Chinese Therapies and Massage Therapy
Acupuncture can be used as a single treatment or in tandem with other Chinese therapies, including massage. Being committed to a holistic regime of treatment, Rae’s services include, in addition to acupuncture:
Massage therapy
Chinese herbal medicine
Nutrition advice
Rae uses these therapies on dogs and small animals to enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture, to promote psychological health, to treat injury and disease and to pave the way for a stable advancement to old age.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture achieves balance in Chi by communicating with body organs and tissues through channels or meridians. Although there is no known physiological equivalent to these energy pathways a Western medical analogy for this type of energy transference may be seen in the relatively recent discovery of the relationship between brain chemistry and the immune system.
When watching Rae work you will notice the use of small-gauge needles being applied to various points on the body. The needles stimulate specific anatomic loci along meridians. When this is done physiological responses are elicited by the body.
These physiological responses are integral to the treatment of almost any disease or condition and have a special place in the relief of pain. Conditions treated by acupuncture may be localised or they may have spread throughout the body.