YES, We are still open for business – The whys and the wherefores Well, at least as I write this, we are open and seeing our animal acupuncture patients as usual (almost). As health professionals, we are acutely aware of the dangers of the spread of Covid-19. As such we have some strategies in place to keep us all safe … Read More
Small Business, taking care of what we love when times are tough.
Small business, taking care of what we love… We are all familiar with the principle of ‘use it or lose it’ when it comes to maintaining our physical strength or mental acuity. The principle also applies to other important things, such as small business. In the course of our lives, we build relationships with people and organisations that make us … Read More
Will your dog be warm enough this winter?
It is true that Mother Nature has very cleverly given dogs self-adjusting fur coats that can adapt to the natural changes of season. However, this does not mean that we can curl up in our nice warm beds at night and just assume that Fido and Fluffy won’t feel the cold. We, the ever clever human race, have long since … Read More
To Supplement or not to Supplement?
Many of us use vitamins, minerals and other supplements routinely as a part of a modern busy life to make up for what we might be missing out on. However, if your dog is skipping meals, drinking too much coffee and ordering pizza three nights a week because they can’t be bothered cooking, then shame on you! Our pets rely … Read More
Pet health and antibiotic resistance
If you are having trouble with your pet’s chronic disease, you may find this article of interest. It deals with the rising prevalence of pet infections that cannot be treated with antibiotics. I come across many cases where, after treating the animal with alternative solutions, the owners are amazed at the progress the animal makes. For more information on this … Read More